Enchanted Quilting
Enchanted Quilting
505-897-1345 Text: 505-620-6407
505-897-1345 Text: 505-620-6407
Need Help with Binding?
Three Options to choose from!
"Help Me Out"
I make & attach Binding to the front or back and Pin Mitered Corners for you to finish sewing.
$1.00 a linear foot.
"Machine Binding"
I make and attach binding entirely by sewing machine.
$1.50 a linear foot.
"Custom Heirloom Binding"
Heirloom Hand Binding Service with Mitered Corners
I make and attach by machine and hand sew to the back side.
$3.00 a linear foot.
Calculate how much fabric you'll need.
Step 1. Measure all 4 sides of quilt top and add 10".
Step 2. Take that total and divide by width of your fabric. Usually 42".
This will give you the total number of strips you will need.
Step 3. Multiply the number of strips by 2.5" to get total inches you
will need in fabric for your binding.
Caution Note:
If cutting strips for a FLANNEL binding cut strips 2 3/4" wide due to thickness.
Example: 60" x 75" quilt top = 270" plus 10" = 280" divided by 42" =
6.6 strips. So cut 7 strips.

Machine Binding
Front side of Quilt
Machine Binding
Back side of Quilt

Revised January 2008